Our overly excited spirits and great enthusiasm was greeted by gloomy weather.Due to these unforseen weather circumstances ,we were unable to commence work on site.However that did not stop us, due to our limited time available to complete this project we began work at FADA ( University of Johannesburg).
All the students gathering to discuss the plan for the day.
Photo by Megan Wilson
The Shuttering Team
And so cutting of the shutter boards began...
Photo by Lerato Botlhoko
The girls proving to have "some upper body" strength and so the roles were reversed...
Photo by Lerato Botlhoko
The Design Team
Meanwhile in the studio...the students were trying to come up with innovative ways to use recycled materials to aid the design.
Recycled botttles .
Photo by Megan Wilson
Trying out different ideas with the bottles.
Students arranging the bottles in various ways.